Change log
- 20-November-2024
New version: 0.14.7
Added new types
Added new fields
taxAndDuty for Receiver
parcelContent for LogisticsUnit
contentType for ShipmentAttributes
shippingCost for ShipmentAttributes
Support for movementIndicator and windsorNotAtRiskIndicator in shipmentProperties field in Shipment
- 21-December-2017
New version: 0.14.2
Fixed validation for the Dimension attributes.
- 19-December-2017
New version: 0.14.0
Added support for consignments status update
Added documentation for updating a single consignment status using the PATCH operation on the /consignments/<id> endpoint
Added documentation for the PATCH operation on the /consignments endpoint for batch status updates
Included additional error code O-NFO-3006 in the API Error Codes appendix
- 15-November-2017
Reduced timeouts and updated documentation
Shipment type Delivery: reduced from 11,000 to 6,000
Shipment type Collection by URI: reduced from 16,000 to 11,000
Shipment type Collection by collection points id: reduced from 11,000 to 6,000
- 23-October-2017
Remove the manifest-requests endpoint from the API. Manifesting will be done using the /consignment-lists endpoint.
- 19-September-2017
Deprecated endpoint /manifest-requests.
Included error code O-COL-6001 in API Error Codes appendix.
- 18-September-2017
Added constraint violation code for invalid consignment URI.
- 05-September-2017
New version: 0.13.0
Added documentation for the new endpoint /consignment-lists. The endpoint is not accessible yet.
Added Consignment List
- 15-May-2017
New version: 0.12.0
Removed support for deprecated version 0.6
Removed section of Retrieve Documentation that is deprecated in versions later than 0.6
Removed support for delete shipment from the API and removed references to delete shipment from the docs.
Removed 0.6.0 version for parameter logisticsServiceCode under Request structure.
Removed 0.6.0 version for /consignments endpoint under Consignments.
Removed support for update shipment from the API and removed references to update shipment from the docs.
- 12-May-2017
Removed support for create shipment from the API and removed references to create shipment from the docs.
- 17-March-2017
Removed postcode validation of addresses in the Republic Of Ireland.
Updated South Korea postcode validation, in line with the new 5-digit format introduced in August 2015.
- 3-March-2017
Changed the constraint on the maximum number of Trade Items per Logistics Unit from 10 to 20.
- 27-February-2017
Removed error code O-NFO-3005 from API Error Code table. Api was updated so that, when a non-existing logistics service is specified, an Allocation error is returned instead.
- 15-February-2017
Added "DeliveryWindow" error code to allocation error code table for backwards compatibility
- 10-February-2017
New document interface
Added DeliveryWindowRejectedForCutOff, "DeliveryWindowRejectedForTransitTimes" and "DeliveryWindowRejectedForWorkingDays" error codes to allocation error code table
Deleted "DeliveryWindow" error codes from allocation error code table
- 3-February-2017
Added "TooLow", "TooHigh" and "NoLogisticsServiceAvailable" error codes to allocation error code table
Added "object" and "field" to allocation error table
- 24-January-2017
Updated error response body structure to include allocationErrors.
Added allocation error table
- 18-January-2017
Fixed introductory text in the Required Address Fields section.
- 09-January-2017
Updated the documentation for Deallocating a consignment and Consignments to reflect that this feature is available from version 0.9.0
Included error code O-ALE-4002 in API Error Codes appendix.
- 06-January-2017
Included error codes O-ALE-4000 and O-ALE-4001 in API Error Codes appendix.
- 30-December-2016
New version: 0.9.0
Deallocating a consignment is supported in this version.
- 28-December-2016
New endpoint /manifest-requests
- 24-November-2016
Added constraint definition: CompatibleType.
Added constraint definition: UnsupportedType.
- 15-November-2016
Updated the samples for create consignment to use the version 0.
Minor Required Address Fields updates.
- 01-November-2016
Enhanced Required Address Fields documentation section.
- 26-October-2016
Added and/or documented constraints on several object data elements.
- 28-October-2016
Switched samples to use https:// rather than http://
- 27-October-2016
Fixed type description of shipment orders to reflect that it is a collection.
Fixed logisticsService URI in consignment samples.
- 14-October-2016
Removed uri, collectionPointProviderID and collectionPointID for a shipment and consignment delivery under the destination agent.
Removed uri for a delivery shipment and consignment under the receiver agent.
- 12-October-2016
Added definition of URI to glossary and attached hyperlinks to all occurrences of URI.
- 23-September-2016
Fixed samples to use supported measurement unit.
- 19-September-2016
Street validation no-longer includes the inclusion of the values from the following properties: floor, houseNo, houseExt, block, building
- 14-September-2016
Fixed date on last changelog entry
Updated version header example to use the preferred version 0 header
- 31-August-2016
A HTTP 503 (Service Unavailable) will be returned if there is an internal error on the platform, see Error Statuses and Codes.
- 17-August-2016
0.8.0 release
Added version header 0: "application/"
Included error code O-ALE-4000 in Table 3 of Error Statuses and Codes.
- 27-July-2016
Added constraint definition: ValidDestinationURI.
Updated ValidURI description to be more specific.
- 26-July-2016
Added CollectionPointID and CollectionPointProviderID fields into Destination (Collection).
Fixed a version error for the URI field of Receiver.
Refactored the Shipment, Destination and Receiver Appendices to clarify the differences between Collection and Delivery shipment types.
Reordered the entries in Appendix A so that the Object Data Elements are in alphabetic order.
A.9 Receiver is now A.21
A16 Complimentary Service is now A.5
Updated the constraint on Destination for Collection Shipments. A Destination must now have either: 1) a valid URI or 2) a collectionPointID, a collectionPointProviderID, a valid address and, optionally, a valid contact.
0.7.5 release
- 25-July-2016
Updated the API Security section with examples on how to use the bearer token. Changed example host name in our examples to be our endpoint.
- 14-July-2016
Fixed the documentation to highlight that the DPI parameter is mandatory for PNG format. See Retrieve documentation.
- 12-July-2016
0.7.2 release
A new agent type Destination has been added.
A new constraint ValidTypeAndDestinationCombination has been added. Specifies that if a Shipment is of type COLLECTION, the destination must have a valid URI.
- 01-07-2016
Add PNG on the list of label formats supported.
- 30-06-2016
0.7.1 release
Renamed query parameter logisticsServiceCode to logisticsServiceURI
- 29-06-2016
Updated Dates and times section to mandate use of UTC.
- 23-06-2016
Added new code ISODateTimeFormat to Constraint violations.
- 06-Jun-2016
A new agent type has been added: Receiver
A new constraint has been added: ValidTypeAndReceiverCombination. Specifies that if a Shipment is of type COLLECTION, the receiver must have either a valid URI or valid Address and Agent.
Removed agent type Destination.
Removed constraint ValidTypeAndDestinationCombination
- 27-May-2016
COLLECTION shipment type has been added.
A new agent type Destination has been added.
A new constraint ValidTypeAndDestinationCombination has been added. Specifies that if a Shipment is of type COLLECTION, the destination must have either a valid URI or valid Address and Agent.
- 19-May-2016
- 18-May-2016
Added orderProperties field in Order
- 09-May-2016
Updated Logistics Service documentation to reflect endpoint-changes.
Added Complimentary Services info.
Added appendix Required Address Fields
- 6-May-2016
Updated Origin so it just consists of a url (where the contact and address details can be retrieved from).
- 25-April-2016
Added field constraint-details to various items in Appendix A.
- 21-April-2016
Added new codes to Constraint violations.
- 20-April-2016
Added optional attribute twoMan for ShipmentAttributes
Removed latestDespatchDate from Consignment
Removed miscellaneousInfo property from TradeItem
- 15-April-2016
0.7.0 release
Refer to Versions section for details.
- 14-April-2016
- 12-April-2016
Added shipmentRef to Shipments
- 08-April-2016
Deprecated existing /documents endpoints to be replaced by Retrieve documentation
- 08-April-2016
Fixed typeOfDocument property on Identity
- 01-April-2016
Enabled nested validation of Shipments
- 31-March-2016
Updated /consignments to accept optional parameters; logisticsServiceGroup, latestDeliveryDate
- 23-March-2016
Display Logistics Unit constraints in the docs
- 15-Mar-2016
Renamed lg to limitedQuantity in ShipmentAttributes
- 14-Mar-2016
0.6.0 release
Renamed agentRef to ref in Agent
Removed manifestGroupCode from Shipment
Removed SAFEPLACE in ProofOfDeliveryType for ShipmentAttributes
Changed order to a collection of orders in Shipment
Removed cashOnDelivery from Logistics Unit
Removed insuranceValue from Logistics Unit
Removed @context from all examples
Reduced document types to just label & paperwork
- 9-Mar-2016
Updated TradeItems to include HazardousTradeItems on the Logistics Unit
Removed hazardousGoodsCodes element from LogisticsUnit
- 2-Mar-2016
Changed /documentation resource to /documents
Changed the documentation resource to only support a specific set of Acceptable DPI values.
- 1-Mar-2016
Rename the type Logistics Unit Documentation to Logistics Unit Document
Remove labelUrl, customsDocumentationUrl and commercialInvoiceUrl fields from Logistics Unit Document
Rename the field logisticsUnitIdentifier to shipperRef into the types Logistics Unit and Logistics Unit Document
- 29-Feb-2016
- 26-Feb-2016
Renamed RetailerProperties to ShipmentProperties in Shipment
Renamed returns address to undeliverable address in Shipment
Created a new entity called ShipmentAttributes
Renamed ShipmentFlags to ShipmentAttributes in Shipment
Renamed termsOfTrade to incoterms in Shipment
Added PHONE to notificationType (see Notification)
Modified the error response body structure
Rename status to httpStatus
Rename error to httpReasonPhrase
Renamed Validation Error to Constraint violation
Added the Constraint violation code section
- 25-Feb-2016
Updated the authorisation to include more granular permissions. See API Security for details.
- 24-Feb-2016
Added new entity DeliveryPromise to Consignment
Renamed despatchDate to latestDespatchDate in Consignment
- 16-Feb-2016
Removed line1, line2, line3 and line4 from Address
Renamed harmonisedProductCode to resources-trade-item on Trade Item
Added notificationTypes to Contact
- 19-Jan-2016
New endpoint /sellers
New endpoint /shippers
New endpoint /logistics-services
- 11-Jan-2016
0.5.0 release
New endpoint /shipments
New endpoint /consignments
New endpoint /documentation